
I am a health economist that dabbles in various aspects of discrepancies in care, biases of treatment, competition among providers, and spatial analysis.  I recently defended my doctoral thesis dealing with the urgent care market.  I work as a post-doctoral researcher with Dr. Akee and Dr. Simeonova at the National Bureau of Economic Research dealing with health disparities among American Indians and rural communities during the onset of the pandemic.

My dissertation examines the placement and competitive mix of urgent care centers amongst hospitals, physicians, and specialists.  Current research interests center around spatial modeling and multi-period treatment effects of difference-in-difference modeling in quasi-experimental designs.  I enjoy teaching microeconomics, macroeconomics, healthcare economics, statistics, game theory, and business economics.  I wish to incorporate law and economics, anti-trust, and econometrics into my teaching schedule.

Hobbies of mine include woodworking, social dancing, photography, and drumming.  The picture to the right is a pizza peel I made for a friend using ten different woods.  It reminds me of a sunrise over dunes.

Please take a minute to look around and feel free to contact me.  I am a curious soul that loves figuring out puzzles.  I am always open for new and creative, interdisciplinary collaborations.  

Copyright Thomas A. Wilk 2025